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immunosuppressive drug中文是什么意思

用"immunosuppressive drug"造句"immunosuppressive drug"怎么读"immunosuppressive drug" in a sentence"immunosuppressive drug"的同义词


  • 免疫抑制药物,免疫抑制药


  • It ' s an immunosuppressive drug , basically - -
  • It ' s an immunosuppressive drug , basically - -
  • It ' s an immunosuppressive drug , basically -
  • The use of new immunosuppressive drugs has further improved clinical results
  • With respect to tolerance , a number of hurdles still need to be overcome before immunosuppressive drugs can be safely minimized or withdrawn in solid organ transplant recipients
  • With the use of immunosuppressive drugs that efficiently control acute rejection , organ transplantation has achieved impressive development . nevertheless , clinical transplantation still thces some important problems : lilblong immunosuppression is associated with toxicity , oppottunistic infections and a high incidence of cancer
  • Using ex vivo gene transfer technique , exogenous gene was introduced to the liver graft during cold preservation and express locally in the graft . the effect of inhibition of rejection and inducing liver graft tolerance was observed . through this study , the possibility of achieving graft tolerance by gene transfer without routine immunosuppressive drugs was explored
    我们采用adeasy腺病毒载体系统,自行构建携带huctla4 - ig的重组腺病毒,通过先体外后体内( exvivo )基因转移技术,于供肝冷保存时,将该治疗基因导入大鼠移植肝,使其于移植肝局部表达,观察其抑制排斥反应,诱导大鼠移植肝免疫耐受的作用。
  • Transplantation has been developed to an effctive strategy for treatment of end stage diseases of multiple organs since 1950 ' s . despite success of current immunosuppressive drugs , transplantation immunologists and surgeons are still seeking to achieve tolerance to allograft . there are several different mechanisms such as clonal deletion , anergy , neglect , immuno regulation . which maintain tolerance to self - antigen . some strategies , derived from these mechanisms has been proved to be encouraged in suppression of allograft rejection
用"immunosuppressive drug"造句  


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